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The sites

Project is based on the sedimentological analyses of cave sediments from selected caves in Central Asia (karst regions of Altai, Tian Shan, and Pamiro-Alay piedmonts). The selected caves are important archaeological sites of the Paleolithic, but these are also paleoanthropological sites, where human remains are preserved. Five sites are currently under excavation and the P.I. has been granted access to the material: Chagyrskaya Cave, Strashnaya Cave (both in Russian Altai), Sel’Ungur Cave, Obishir-I rockshelter, and Obishir-V rockshelter (all in Ferghana Valley, Kyrgyzstan). Three more additional sites are planned to be included (Obi-Rakhmat Cave in Uzbekistan, Istik Cave in Tajikistan, and Okladnikov Cave in Altai). Obi-Rakhmat and Okladnikov caves have been excavated decades ago and there is no access to sediments, but the fossil bones are still available in collections. 

Chagyrskaya, Sel’Ungur and Obishir sites have already been visited by P.I. of this project in 2016-2017, and initial studies were started. At these sites the thick sequences of stratified Quaternary sediments are preserved, including Upper Pleistocene and Holocene. Most probably Middle Pleistocene series is also preserved in Sel’Ungur.